Thursday, October 24, 2013

Badass Mother Runners Unite

Tonight was a really amazing, wonderful night and it was good for my soul! I have been looking forward to this evening for a couple of months and it didn't disappoint.  I got to meet two women who have truly inspired me and I was definitely starstruck.

One of the first running related blogs that I found early in my running career (ahem, like 6 months ago) was the Another Mother Runner website ( and I've been hooked ever since.  The creators of the blog, Sarah Bowen Shea (@SBSOnTheRun) and Dimity McDowell (@Dimityontherun) are authors of two (soon to be 3!) books geared towards mother runners and creators of the podcasts that I love to run to.  They frequently refer to themselves as Badass Mother Runners and I love that nickname.  It's so fitting because there is nothing quite as badass as working up a sweat and pounding the pavement.

In addition to their blog, books, and podcasts, Sarah and Dimity also travel a few times a year to various cities to participate in races and expos.  They host Mother Runner parties in a few cities and we were fortunate enough to welcome them to St. Louis tonight, as they are in town for the Rock 'n' Roll St. Louis marathon.

When I first found out they would be in town, I am fairly certain I squealed out loud and couldn't contain my excitement.  I called my running buddy, Stacy, that same afternoon to tell her to save the date and we've been looking forward to the event all summer.  My excitement has grown over the summer, as I continue to follow their blog, listen to their podcasts, and become an even bigger fan of these women and the community of mother runners that they have built.  I listen to their podcasts so religiously that I feel like I know Sarah and Dimity personally!

Sarah and Dimity hosted tonight's Mother Runner party at one of my favorite local running stores, Big River Running Company ( and they had quite the crowd.  When we checked in, Dimity expressed her concern that nobody would show up due to Game 2 of the World Series (Go Cards!), but there isn't much that would have kept me away tonight and I suspect others felt the same.  We mingled for a bit, enjoyed some wine and snacks, and then we were treated to a few readings from Train Like a Mother and some awesome giveaways.  Stacy won a handheld water bottle, which is awesome!  I was also able to have Sarah and Dimity sign both of my books and I loved what they inscribed on the books, because it will provide me with continual  motivation and inspiration!

Sarah Bowen Shea (L) and Dimity McDowell (R) reading from Train Like a Mother
Dimity and I.  She is an Ironman finisher; truly badass and inspirational! 
Sarah and I.  Sarah is also a badass mother runner; marathoner and recent Ragnar Relay participant!
We each received a goody bag when we left tonight with some awesome running related products including running socks (score!), Nuun, Gu's, some Lara bars, and some great homeopathic products that I can't wait to try (sleep aid anyone?  Nerve tonic? Yes, please!).  I also picked up a shirt I've had my eye on for awhile.  It says "my pace. my peace." and the first time I saw it on their website, I wanted it. My pace is not the fastest, nor will it ever be, but it is my pace and it brings me peace and serenity.  I also loved one of the other shirts they had that said "I'm stronger than I thought" because it is so true!

Love my new long-sleeve tech shirt! 
I had such a great time meeting Sarah and Dimity and I was so inspired by the other mother runners in attendance, too.  One thing Dimity said really resonated with me and brought a tear to my eye.  She said that we need to forget the mommy guilt and get out and go for a run.  Running makes us better mothers, wives, friends, and employees and there is nothing wrong with taking care of yourself.  I think this spoke to me so much because I do experience guilt when I go for a run, but it's my "me" time and if I don't make time for me, I get really restless.  So I will try to block out the mommy guilt going forward!

One of the things we did when we signed in was we added our goal for the year to the bottom of our name tag.  My goal is to run my first 1/2 marathon in April and Stacy's is to run 40 races before her 40th birthday, which I think is an awesome goal!  

What is your goal for the year? Have you ever been a little starstruck by someone? If so, who was it?

"My pace. My peace."

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