Thursday, September 4, 2014

Almost on the mend

Unfortunately, I am still feeling under the weather, so I have not been to the gym this week, nor have I gone for a run.  I have been itching to go for a run, though, so it's been hard being out of commission, but with another heat advisory issued today, I didn't feel quite so guilty for missing out today.  I am hoping to feel well enough to either go to the gym tomorrow night or to go for a run.  If I don't make it for a run tomorrow, then definitely this weekend as the weather is supposed to be significantly cooler with highs in the upper 70's (yes, please!).

Yesterday marked the two week countdown for my departure to San Francisco for my Ragnar relay and I am getting really excited!  There is a lot to do between now and then, mainly planning what I'm bringing.  There is a lot to bring and I definitely have to be strategic when it comes to packing since my running gear needs to fit in a van along with my teammates' belongings.

I've found quite a few helpful articles on packing for a Ragnar Race (here and here) and I am also fortunate to have a few overnight relay veterans on my Ragnar team who have shared their advice and tips, as well.  My favorite tip so far has been to pack each of my running outfits for my individual legs into large, gallon size Ziploc baggies and mark them accordingly.  This way, each is easily identifiable and post-running, I can put the appropriate clothes back into the bag to contain the inevitable eau de sweat smell that will occur.

I've also been feeling a bit apprehensive of late about getting lost during one of my legs (particularly my night leg).  I don't know why I have this fear and I know how irrational it sounds, but I am nervous nonetheless.  One of my teammates suggested printing my leg maps and putting a copy in the appropriate Ziploc bag with my running gear for that leg so I can bring it with me.  Another genius idea!  Bringing the leg map with me (just in case) will be good peace of mind.

Happy (almost) Friday everyone!

A friend posted the below sentiment on Facebook today and I adore it!

"There is inner beauty about a girl who believes in herself, who knows she is capable of anything she puts her mind to.  There is beauty in the strength and determination of a girl who follows her own path, who believes in herself.  There is beauty about a girl who loves herself now while she fights to be the girl she is becoming." 

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