Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Trying not to overdo it

I finally bit the bullet and went to the TakeCare Clinic at my local Walgreens tonight.  This was partly inspired by a lackluster run last night (more on that in a minute) but mainly by the fact that I am still not feeling remotely close to 100% and I want to feel on top of my game for Napa next week.  I hoped that perhaps this was a bacterial infection that could be knocked out with some antibiotics, but alas, it is a viral bug that needs to run its course.  It sounds like I might be on the downswing of said bug and it appears that my cough is a result of post-nasal drip, which will hopefully be alleviated with some Sudafed.  My lungs were clear, which I was relieved to hear.  The nurse practitioner advised that I get some rest and stay hydrated, so that is what I plan to do for the next few days.  It's hard taking it easy, but I need to be rested and healthy for my trip.

I thought I felt well enough for a run last night and since I've been itching to hit the pavement, I decided to go for an easy run.  You could certainly say it was an easy run, too.  I went to the hilly trail by my house and did 3 miles, which went something like this.  Run the first mile, run/walk the second mile, and walk the third, and last, mile.  In reality, I did not feel all that well and I could tell when I headed out that it wasn't going to be the greatest run.  While it wasn't the greatest run, it did feel fairly good to get a workout in.

I brought my running clothes to work today, rather optimistically, but I did not feel good when I woke up, so I decided to forgo the run and go to the doctor.  It's hard accepting that your body needs to rest more than it needs to run, but hopefully after a few days of rest, I can get a few runs in later this week or over the weekend.

One of my awesome teammates (and van mates!), Melissa, posted a great article to our Facebook group page today and I thought I'd share it.  The author writes about what she wish she'd known before her first Ragnar and I particularly appreciated the tip she shared about her night leg and embracing the solitude.  It's no secret that the night leg has been my particular area of concern, but I have heard from several people that the night leg is often one of the the best parts of the experience.  Several of my sweet teammates have offered to run my night leg with me, although at the moment, I'm leaning towards pushing myself outside of my comfort zone and going it alone.  I may change my mind at midnight next Friday, which is when my second leg is predicted to start.

I'll be anxious to write my own post about what I wish I'd known before my Ragnar, although I have been fortunate to have some great advice from my great teammates who have done overnight relays before and my own research.

Feel free to share any of your tips for running an overnight relay below! 

The below quote is rather fitting, especially considering two of my three Napa legs have some pretty epic hills (both up and down)!

"If you never attempt the ascent, you'll never know the thrill of swooshing down the other side." 

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