Monday, May 5, 2014

The most exciting news in the history of my blog

I realize that's a mighty statement, but it's true!  More exciting than running my first 10K, more exciting than finishing my first half, more exciting than losing 50 lbs. and keeping it off for almost a year.  What could be more exciting than all of that?  Getting the opportunity to run with my absolute favorite Mother Runners, Dimity and Sarah as part of their Napa Valley Ragnar team this fall!

I saw that Dimity and Sarah were having a contest for their 2014 Ragnar Team and having read the recap from their Ragnar DC adventure last year, I knew I wanted to be a part of it.  The rules for the contest were to get creative and tell Dimity and Sarah why you want to join the team, so I brainstormed for a few weeks about my idea for my entry and started to work after I finished my half marathon in early April.  I submitted my entry the last day of the contest (last Monday) and set about waiting until the announcement was made today.  I almost posted my Ragnar entry to my blog after I submitted it last week, but a superstitious part of me didn't want to jinx myself!

I always scroll through my e-mail on my phone in the mornings before I get out of bed and I had several this morning, but I found the one I was looking for, the one from Dimity and Sarah.  I opened the e-mail and practically held my breath as I read through the fantastically creative and clever Mother Runners that were chosen to be part of the Napa team.  I got to runners 7, 8, and 9 on the list and I told myself not to get too disappointed and then I saw my  name.  I think I squealed out loud and I woke up Matt to tell him the good news!  Here is a link to all of the Badass Mother Runners for Napa and I am so excited to be part of this fantastic group of women!

I based my entry on the hilarious Jimmy Fallon hashtag videos; I can't get enough of them and I watch them almost weekly.  My favorite is the Justin Timberlake version (here), but the Jonah Hill version (here) is also top notch.  I had the help of some wonderful co-workers who brainstormed ideas with me, filmed the video for me, and acted with me in the video.  Thank you all; you are the best!!  I will say that I don't think acting is my calling and I'll stick to my day job, but it was a lot of fun to shoot and I had a blast editing the video (that's actually what I was doing last Sunday night that caused me to stay up until 3 a.m.; totally worth it). Here is the final version of my #NapaRagnar Entry video!

I have been beaming all day and I still can't believe that it's real!  Dimity and Sarah are such inspirations to me and I still remember last year watching the live feed of Dimity crossing the finish line at the Coeur D'Alene Ironman.  I didn't know her, but I was so freaking proud of her and it gave me such a boost of self-confidence that I can't really explain.  I had just come across their blog and books a few weeks prior to her Ironman and shortly thereafter, I started listening to their podcasts when I went running.  I had the opportunity to meet both of them in St. Louis last fall at the Mother Runner party they hosted here before the Rock 'n Roll Marathon and I felt like I was meeting superstars, because they are in my book.  I can't wait to run Napa with them and get to know them even more.  Nothing like spending two days in a van with someone to get to know them, right?

In addition to running with my running heroes, I'm also getting the opportunity to run a Ragnar Relay race in a beautiful part of the country.  Napa Ragnar starts in San Francisco and ends in Napa Valley and it looks like a beautiful race!  I've heard a lot about Ragnar Relay races as I've become more involved in the running community and it's always intrigued me as a new challenge.  It's something completely outside of my comfort zone (night running!? and sleeping in a van!) but I am so excited about it and so blessed to have the opportunity to participate.  I feel like this opportunity couldn't have come at a better time; with all that has gone on in my life the past 5 months or so, I needed a little push with my running and weight loss, as well as something to challenge me, motivate me, and inspire me!  I am thrilled to be a part of this group of women and I cannot wait for the race in September!

I'm looking forward to sharing my Ragnar training and if anyone else has done a Ragnar before, I'd love to hear your experiences and tips!

I know I've been struggling a bit with my return to running following my half and my weight loss, but I have a renewed sense of determination!  I love the quote below and find it fitting for me right now; so here is to tomorrow and getting into gear for Napa Ragnar!

"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying 'I will try again tomorrow.'" 

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