Friday, October 11, 2013

I'm back

Sorry for the blog silence the past two days; it has been a busy, busy week!  I went to pick up my race packet for my 10K on Sunday and I'm getting really excited.  I'm also feeling really nervous, but that's to be expected.

I thought I would go on a run this evening, but I figured that one more run wouldn't make or break my race on Sunday (let's be honest, my training has been less than stellar the past three weeks anyway), so I decided some Mommy/Sons bonding time was in order.  I picked up the boys early and we went to get ice cream at a local ice cream parlor.  It was divine; I got a hot fudge sundae to share with Jack and Nick got a scoop of chocolate ice cream with whipped cream and sprinkles.  Going to this particular ice cream parlor has served as a special treat for Nick and I the past few years, so it was nice to bring Jack along this time and let him in on the fun.

We planned to go to the park after the ice cream parlor, but when we got there, it was closed for maintenance.  I wondered why there were no other cars on what was a rather lovely Friday evening.  The sign said "your tax dollars at work."  Right.  Let me tell you how thrilled I am with the way my tax dollars are being spent at the moment, but I digress.  We were all a little disappointed that the park didn't pan out, but we still had a great evening.

As I mentioned, I went to pick up my race packet today and I got my bib and my awesome Nike Dri-fit tech shirt.  I adore Halloween, so I'm loving all of the festive details of this race, particularly the shirt.  Unfortunately, I won't be wearing the shirt on Sunday since I will be running in my costume.  I started it this evening (I work better under pressure, you see) and I can't wait to post pictures of the finished product on Sunday!  I don't want to give it away, but it has been a struggle finding red running clothes.  Hmm...

How cute is this race bib??

Love this shirt! 
I've made a goal for myself for Sunday's race and that is to finish in 1:15.  I walked/ran approximately 10K at my marathon relay this spring and it took me just over 1:30.  My pace was in the 14:45-15:03 range, so I'm confident with my improved pacing that I can finish in 1:15.  I am nervous that I haven't trained properly the past few weeks, but I also know that this is so much more about my mental strength and I just need to keep repeating "I got this."

On another note, I watched the Cory Monteith tribute episode of GLEE tonight and I was not emotionally prepared.  I haven't had a really good cry in awhile and just a few notes into the first song of the episode, I had tears streaming down my face.  It didn't help that the first song was Seasons of Love from Rent, which gets me everytime.  It was a really beautiful and sad episode.  

Care to take any guesses as to what my costume will be (no fair guessing if you already know!)?  What will your costume be for Halloween?

Let the internal pep talks begin!

"If you don't believe in yourself, who will?"

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