Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Re-evaluating my goals

Quick post tonight, as I'm going to try to work on Halloween costumes a little bit before I hit the hay.  I had a sick little fella today, so I stayed home and took care of him.  We did go for a walk this afternoon, which was really nice.  We haven't been to our favorite trail in several weeks and I think we've all been missing our walks.  I figured Jack could use a little fresh air and I was itching to do some sort of exercise.  I didn't quite feel up to a run, so I figured a walk would do.  We did 2.5 miles and enjoyed hearing the birds and crickets and watching the deer.  Apparently, the time we chose to go for a walk was the time when the deer practice fighting one another.  We came across an open field, where we typically see the deer grazing at dusk, and saw two sets of deer locking antlers with one another.  One of the pairs were younger deer, so they were really just locking nubbins, but the other two deer were older and had pretty gnarly antlers, so it was interesting to watch them play fight.

I've been giving some serious thought to re-evaluating my goals for my end of the year challenge, The Final Nut of 2013.  I haven't totally fallen off the bandwagon, but I'm hanging on by the spokes.  I worked so hard to meet and exceed the birthday challenge and I think when it was over, I gave myself a pass to relax a little bit.  There isn't anything wrong with that, I'm just wondering if I need to re-adjust my plans so that it's more sustainable.  My goal for The Final Nut of 2013 was to lose 24 lbs by December 31st and I'm considering lowering that goal a bit.

Am I setting my sights too high? Or maybe I just need to kick myself in gear again and get back in the habit of working out at lunch 4 days a week.  Although, it has been really nice having my lunch breaks back again.  Nobody ever said this was going to be easy, though, so maybe I need to stop giving myself a pass.  In any case, I'm going to mull this over for a few more days and I'll give an update next week.

What would you do? Would you push yourself hard for the rest of the year to meet the original, somewhat challenging goal?  Or would you re-evaluate and set a more achievable goal?  

I've always loved the below quote and it seems rather fitting at the moment.

"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars." 

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