Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sweat Pink Weight Loss Hangout

Tonight, I had the privilege of participating in Fit Approach's Sweat Pink Ambassador Spotlight: Weight Loss Hangout and it was so amazing and inspiring!  I loved being in the presence of the other panelists; they are all so inspiring and have amazing stories to share!

If you weren't able to view the live hangout, I've included a YouTube link below.  Note to self, I really must work on my public (and video?) speaking.  Ugh.  Sometimes it is painful to watch oneself onscreen.  Nonetheless, I was proud to be a part of this group and share my story!


Below are blog links and Twitter names for the other panelists from the hangout and I hope you take a look and follow them.  They have wonderful insight and inspiration to share!

Elizabeth Piasecki (@lecki10) http://www.rosegoldbuttercream.blogspot.com/

Dani Ebert (@FitnessFoundMe) www.facebook.com/fitnessfoundme

Nicole Truog (@ApplesArteries) http://applesandarteries.com/

Julia McAdams (@doubledathlete) www.doubledathlete.com

Robin Einhorn (@foreverlovewins) http://unquenchablelaughter.wordpress.com 

A non-fitness related question; any tips for public speaking so that one does not look like a babbling fool?  Do you have any blogs you follow that you'd like to share?  I'm always looking for inspiration! 

The quote below speaks to some of what I talked about on the Hangout tonight. While I may feel guilty sometimes when I go for a run, I do think it makes me a better person, a better wife, and a better Mom.

"Running is Mommy's time out." 

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