Friday, July 19, 2013


I am so glad it's Friday!  As promised, I got a workout in today.  I didn't let the heat or my own excuses get in the way.  I did, however, workout inside; it was, after all, the hottest day of the year so far.  I put in a good workout on the recumbent bike. I may have overdone it a bit at the beginning though.  I initially set the resistance on the program I was doing to 10.  Yikes!  My legs could only take about an 8 today.  I did 30 minutes on the bike and got in just over 8 miles.  I felt stressed out and out of sorts before I worked out, but I felt so much better afterwards.  My head felt clearer and it was nice to have 30 minutes of me time. Sometimes, I'll take what I can get!

I was also trying to be really good about what I ate today and was doing pretty damn good for the most part.  I drank a ton of water; for two reasons.  The first was to stay hydrated in this heat because I don't drink enough water typically.  Secondly, I was using water to curb hunger.  I felt snack-y this afternoon around 3, so I drank about half of a 16 oz. water bottle and it helped.  However, I did stress eat a little bit tonight and this week's go to snack brought to you by animal crackers.  Yum!  I really have to be better about thinking before I put those animal crackers in my mouth.  Do I really need to eat them?  Not at all.  Are they going to make me feel less stressed out?  Nope.  Do I feel guilty after eating them? A little.  At least I am aware of my habit of stress eating, so I can keep working on it.

I'm hoping to get some wogs in this weekend and a fair share of swimming, too!  What are your plans for the weekend?

Next time I feel like stress eating, I'm going to remember this quote (thanks, Nicky!).

"Don't give up what you want the most for what you want for the moment." 

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